19/12/2016 – the paper “A certifiably correct algorithm for synchronization over the Special Euclidean group“, written in collaboration with David Rosen, Afonso Bandeira, and John Leonard won the best paper award at WAFR 2016!
01/12/2016 – the paper “A certifiably correct algorithm for synchronization over the Special Euclidean group“, written in collaboration with David Rosen, Afonso Bandeira, and John Leonard is finalist for the best paper award at WAFR 2016!
01/07/2016 – our paper on sparse sensing has been accepted at IROS 2016.
19/06/2016 – our position/survey paper on SLAM has been released on Arxiv!
28/03/2016 – I’ll give a seminar on robot perception and robust localization and mapping at the University of Florida!
7/02/2016 – I’ll serve as Associate Editor for IROS 2016.
15/01/2016 – ICRA paper accepted!
20/09/2015 – I’ll be at IROS 2015 to present the work “Lagrangian Duality in 3D SLAM: Verification Techniques and Optimal Solutions“, joint work with David Rosen, John Leonard, Giuseppe Calafiore and Frank Dellaert.
17/07/2015 – the workshop “The problem of mobile sensors: setting future goals and indicators of progress for SLAM“, that I co-organized with Cesar Cadena, Yasir Latif, Henry Carrillo, John Leonard, Jose Neira and Ian Reid, was a success! Excellent speakers, great participation, and interesting discussion – you can find pictures, comments, and posts about the future of SLAM by joining the Google+ SLAM community.
15/07/2015 – the paper “IMU Preintegration on Manifold for Efficient Visual-Inertial Maximum-a-Posteriori Estimation“, written in collaboration with Christian Forster and Davide Scaramuzza, is finalist for the best paper award at RSS 2015!
04/07/2015 – Our paper on structural symmetries has been accepted at BMVC 2015!
29/06/2015 – 2 papers accepted at IROS 2015!
05/06/2015 – it’s a great pleasure for me to announce that I will join MIT as a postdoc starting from July. I’m very excited for this new start and I hope to meet friends and family in Boston soon!
25/05/2015 – the paper “IMU Preintegration on Manifold for Efficient Visual-Inertial Maximum-a-Posteriori Estimation“, written in collaboration with Christian Forster and Davide Scaramuzza, has been accepted for publication at RSS 2015!
12/04/2015 – I gave two seminars at UPenn, invited by Kostas Daniilidis. These days in Philadelphia were very interesting and I really loved the warm welcome and the interesting conversations with the brilliant researchers of the GRASP LAB.
20/3/2015 – I gave two seminars at MIT (you can download the slides of my talk here). I had a very warm welcome and I loved spending few days in Boston, talking with some of the most talented researchers in the world.
24/2/2015 – I’m looking for a postdoc position. If you are interested in hiring me, please contact me at luca(dot)carlone(at)gatech(dot)edu
13/2/2015 – I’ll serve as Associate Editor for IROS 2015.
1/2/2015 – 2 papers accepted at ICRA 2015!
17/1/2015 – our paper on bearing-only localization in collaboration with Roberto Tron, Kostas Daniilidis and Frank Dellaert has been accepted at ACC 2015.
13/1/2014 – I’m in the program committee of ETFA 2015 (IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation). Here is the call for papers.
20/7/2014 – our paper on fast Bundle Adjustment via factor grouping and data mining has been accepted for oral presentation at BMVC 2014 (acceptance rate 7.7%)
16/7/2014 – The “Workshop on Multi View Geometry in RObotics” we organized with Vadim Indelman and Frank Dellaert at RSS2014 was very successful! Great invited speakers and huge participation!
28/5/2014 – a productive year for the group. but the best is yet to come!
20/5/2014 – our paper on coherent measurements selection for robust graph optimization has been accepted at IROS 2014! see you in Chicago
25/4/2014 – I’m organizing MVIGRO’14, the 2nd Workshop on Multi VIew Geometry in RObotics, in conjunction to RSS 2014
13/1/2014 – yay! 4 papers accepted at ICRA 2014! see you in Hong Kong!!
18/12/2013 – great news! our paper “A fast and accurate approximation for planar pose graph optimization” has been accepted for publication on the International Journal of Robotics Research!
11/3/2013 – great news! our paper “Distributed random convex programming via constraints consensus” has been accepted for publication on the SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization!
20/10/2013 – great news! the paper “From angular manifolds to the integer lattice: guaranteed orientation estimation with application to pose graph optimization” that I wrote with Andrea Censi has been accepted for publication on the Transactions on Robotics!
15/10/2013 – our paper “Towards planning in generalized belief space” has been accepted for publication.
10/10/2013 – our paper “Active SLAM and Exploration with Particle Filters using Kullback-Leibler Divergence” has been accepted for publication.
11/3/2013 – Website update: I added new content to the “Resources” section, with code and supplementary material regarding recent publications.
7/1/2013 – My paper on convergence of pose graph optimization has been accepted at ICRA 2013!
2/12/2012 – Website update: I added a “Resources” section to the main menu, where I’m going to upload some useful material, including code, videos, slides, etc.
13/11/2012 – A new preprint: “From angular manifolds to the integer lattice: guaranteed orientation estimation with application to pose graph optimization“, in collaboration with Andrea Censi.
12/9/2012 – I presented an overview on our ongoing research on estimation over graphs at the convention Automatica.it (National meeting of researchers in control theory and automation, held in Benevento, Italy).
4/9/2012 – I gave a presentation on 3D Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for planetary rovers at the International Symposium on Artificial Intellingence, Robotics and Automation in Space (I played at home this time).
6/7/2012 – I held a seminar at Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) on our recent research on distributed algorithms for random convex programming.
9/5/2012 – Final demonstration of the research project STEPS (SystemsandTechnologiesforSpaceExploration). I presented our results on 3D Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for planetary rovers autonomous navigation.
14/4/2012 – During the event “Identifying and rewarding excellence and innovation – a challenge for Italy believing in the future”, Helios wins the best multidisciplinary project award (what is Helios?).
1/4/2012 – A brand-new Service Robotics website!
26/3/2010 – 27/3/2011 – Helios is exhibited at Triennale Design Museum III Edition, byAlessandroMendini: http://www.triennaledesignmuseum.it/
12/3/2010 – InvitedspeakeratEURON/EUROPAnnualMeeting,SanSebastian,Spain.
15/10/2009 – Helios wins K-idea 2009: http://www.kilometrorosso.com/k_idea.php
7/5/2009 – I’ve been awarded with the IEEE Best Conference Paper award at the 9th Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Portugal!
7/5/2009 – I’ve been awarded with the IEEE Best Oral Presentation award at the 9th Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Portugal!
17/9/2008 – Optime award (best graduates of 2009, Master of Science)
20/9/2006 – Optime award (best graduates of 2006, Bachelor of Science)